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Permission Menu

Table of contents

  1. Quick Access
    1. Red - Filter Options
    2. Orange - Player List
    3. Yellow - Avatar Preview
    4. Green - Permission Slider
    5. Teal - Reload All Avatars
    6. Blue - Manage Permissions
    7. Purple - Context Menu
  2. Permission Menu

Quick Access

The permission menu is where the limits on each avatar is set.

Red - Filter Options

Filters the player list below.

  • Show/Hide Non-Figura Players
  • Show/Hide Offline Players

Orange - Player List

From this, you can pick any player online (or offline) and move them up or down the permission list.

Yellow - Avatar Preview

Shows the currently selected player’s avatar or a question mark if an offline player or group is selected. Middle clicking resets the pan and rotation of the preview.

Green - Permission Slider

Selects the permission level for the selected player. In later versions of 0.1.0, you can also move players by holding a click on their left-side card.

Teal - Reload All Avatars

Clears the cache of all avatars and gets all avatars from the backend again.

Blue - Manage Permissions

Allows the player to edit the specific limits on each player or group. See below for more information.

Purple - Context Menu

Allows you to copy the name or UUID of a player, reload their avatar, or change their permission level. Right click a player’s card to access.

Permission Menu

  • Init Instructions [int] is how many lines of code can be executed when an entity or skull is loaded.
  • World Tick Instructions [int] is how many lines of code can be executed on a world tick.
  • Tick Instructions [int] is how many lines of code can be executed on an entity tick.
  • World Render Instructions [int] is how many lines of code can be executed on a world render (each frame the world is rendered).
  • Render Instructions [int] is how many lines of code can be executed on an entity render (each frame the entity is rendered).
  • Max Complexity [int] is how many faces can be displayed.
  • Max Particles [int] is how many particles can be played each second.
  • Max Sounds [int] is how many particles can be played each second.
  • Avatar Sounds Volume [int] controls how loud sounds scripted into the avatar can be.
  • Animation Complexity [int] is how many animation channels can be loaded at once. Not played, loaded.
  • Max Texture Size [int] is how large textures generated with the Texture API can be.
  • Vanilla Model Change [bool] allows avatars to modify the vanilla model.
  • Nameplate Change [bool] allows scripts to alter the nameplates of players.
  • Render Offscreen [bool] allows avatars to render offscreen.
  • Custom Sounds [bool] allows avatars to play sounds not provided by the game.
  • Custom Player Heads [bool] allows avatars to replace the in-game player head with their own custom model.