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Paper Doll

Table of contents

  1. What is the Paper Doll?
  2. Configuring the Paper Doll
  3. Common Issues

What is the Paper Doll?

The paper doll is a smaller player preview that appears in the top-left corner of the screen, appearing only while sprinting, crouching, flying, crawling, etc. This feature comes in both the bedrock and legacy console editions of Minecraft, and Figura seeks to replicate the feature with more options.

Configuring the Paper Doll

Configuration in relation to the paper doll can be found within the settings.

  • Enable paperdoll [bool] allows the paper doll to be rendered.
  • Always on [bool] allows the paper doll to be rendered regardless of state.
  • First Person only [bool] denies Figura the ability to show the paper doll in Third Person.
  • Paperdoll Scale/X/Y/Pitch/Yaw [float] determines the position, rotation, and scale of the paper doll.

Common Issues

  • The paper doll doesn’t handle translucency well, but this is somewhat expected as Minecraft itself doesn’t handle translucency well either.