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Adding a Model

Table of contents

  1. Installing Blockbench
  2. Starting your Model

Now that you’ve created an empty Figura avatar, you may be wondering “what do I do with this?” The first step is adding your own custom model, whether it’s an addition to the vanilla model or a whole new one.

Installing Blockbench

Figura uses the Blockbench program for creating models for your avatar. To get Blockbench, go to their downloads at or use their web version at

Starting your Model

Now that you have Blockbench, create a new model using the Minecraft Skin option. Select your skin type (“Steve” or “Alex”), make sure that “Pose” is turned off, and press the “Confirm” button. You will be dropped into a 3D modeling screen with a default player model.

At first glance, you will not be able to edit the model of the Minecraft Skin. This is because the Minecraft Skin template does not allow model editing by itself. To edit the model of a Minecraft Skin, you must click File > Convert Project. A small window will appear with a dropdown that should default to “Generic Model”. If it does not, please select it using the context menu. Press “Confirm” and your Skin will be converted to a Generic Model. From here, you can edit the model.

If you do not know how to use Blockbench, there is a tutorial on how to use it on ArtsByKev’s YouTube channel at I recommend it if you’re just starting out and want to learn the basics in an hour.

Now that you have your model, save it in the same folder as your avatar.json. Check back in-game and see if you now have the model applied to yourself.

If you see that your vanilla skin is phasing in and out with your avatar, do not worry. This is because the vanilla model was never disabled. Please check this FAQ page for more information.