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This wiki details the ins and outs of the Figura Rewrite.

This wiki is not affiliated with Moonlight nor the developers behind it. I am just a community member who noticed the lack of a wiki and made one.

This wiki is constantly updated, so please contact me if there is an issue concerning the wiki through my DMs (@Slyme#2894 on Discord, @Slyme on Revolt) or the issues page.

So, I kinda lied when I made the statement of “constantly updated.” Turns out, burning yourself out is quick and easy, and I haven’t felt the want to work on this much more.

If you want a more up-to-date wiki, check out KitCat962’s Wiki, which has the intention of being the official wiki and is currently being used as the Wiki link in-game.

I’d also like to mention Limit System’s Figura Docs, which has more effective tutorials on things that matter (model parts, action wheels, etc.)

What is Figura?

Figura is a Minecraft Mod dedicated to reworking the Minecraft skin system, allowing users to change their player model, animate it, and manage it through Lua scripts all without ever needing a server-sided mod.